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Servicios de salud mental

Si usted o un ser querido sufre síntomas que le hacen sospechar que se está produciendo algún tipo de enfermedad mental, no tenga miedo de hablar con su médico de cabecera sobre sus sentimientos. No espere a recibir tratamiento y sufra innecesariamente por temor a ser estigmatizado. En Preventive Measures, lo encontramos donde está y estamos listos para ayudarlo a obtener la ayuda que necesita.

Daily Pills

Gestión de medicamentos

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Young Woman Therapy - Licensed Adobe.jpeg

Terapia individual

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Terapia de pareja

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Terapia familiar

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Terapia familiar

Did You Know? Many insurance companies will reimburse Outpatient Mental Health services, even if the provider is out of network. Ask our Client Services Team how we can provide a reimbursement form to submit to your insurance carrier.

We proudly offer Outpatient Mental Health Services in Pennsylvania, the Washington, DC/DMV area, and Georgia.

Payment Option

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* We accept Medicaid and other private insurances. Please contact us to find out which insurances we take at each office location. Contact us about availability in your region. 
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Many insurance companies will reimburse Outpatient Mental Health services, even if the provider is out of network. Call and speak with our Client Services Team at (877) 287-7802 and ask about a convenient reimbursement form you can submit to your insurance carrier.

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