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The Big
Mission Behind
Preventive Measures
Preventive Measures was established with the goal of providing community mental health and supportive services to promote abundant living and prevent out-of-home placement. Since then, we have helped to improve the quality of life for thousands of individuals through our Mental Health Wellness Centers in Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, and Georgia, and our Home Health Care division in Pennsylvania. We believe health care is a basic human right. It must be available, coordinated, and provided in a compassionate way, and combined with other human services when appropriate. We are proud to have the opportunity to serve our community in this way.

Nuestros servicios


Recibir servicios comunitarios de salud mental o acceder a servicios autogestionados, convenientes y de pago propio.

¿Necesita asistencia o apoyo en su hogar? Nos reuniremos con usted, justo donde se encuentre, para brindarle una atención experimentada y compasiva en la que pueda confiar.

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The PM Foundation is a non-profit organization that will serve as the philanthropic extension of Preventive Measures. The PM Foundation seeks to improve the mental health of individuals so they can live life to their full potential. TPMF looks to meet these needs at an individual, community, and global level. 
The PM Foundation has committed to providing scholarships, internship opportunities, and educational resources to empower Historically Black College and University (HBCU) scholars to become leaders who can tackle the unique challenges faced by the African American community.
Support Group Session


Preventive Measures have helped my family tremendously! Truly a blessing, I'm thankful to all the staff in the building! I highly recommend their services!

Jules J.
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